Holiday Gift Giving for the Less Fortunate

I am fortunate enough to live a comfortable life. Despite this I have never forgotten where I come from, and so last year for the holiday season I came up with an idea. Give gifts to those less fortunate.

I know what you’re thinking: “That’s a good idea, but I’ll have to spend more money.”

That’s not necessarily true. First of all, we all have that one person who really doesn’t need anything at all because they already have it. You can simply say to them, “Look, I can get you a gift for the holidays, but we both know you don’t need it and you might not even use it. What if I used that money to buy a couple of gifts for homeless people?”

The holiday season is about giving, so who would say no to that? The idea is not for you to go out there and save the whole world, but if you helped even a couple of people, that would be remarkable.

Mind you, these do not need to be extravagant gifts. Those less fortunate are not necessarily looking for a PS4 or a new big screen TV. It can be as simple as an article of clothing (a new shirt, a sweater, a fresh pair of socks), or a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a razor pack.

Actually, it can even be simpler than that. Isn’t that the purpose of gift cards? Even a $5-10 gift card from any restaurant or local eatery would be more than welcome by anyone who is less fortunate, and the look in their eyes when you help them will remind you what the holiday season is truly about.

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